Celebrating Our First 30 Years
World Class Mergers & Acquisitions Since 1993

Talk to an Expert and FREE E-Book Download

Only companies with annual revenues of $5 Million to $150 Million+, please. Call Don Krier, Sr. Managing Director/Partner 800.567.1119 or complete the form below. Also receive a free copy of 30 Years of Lessons Learned: Selling Middle-Market Businesses.

Woodbridge International & Wealth Management

Wealth Managment

We value your relationship with your clients and are keenly aware of the importance of the wealth management advisor’s leadership in the critical financial planning in advance of the sale of the client’s business, which include a visualization of the possibilities in their post-sale world.

We have a distinctive philosophy, process, and tact in which we help our clients explore and create a powerful exit. Through expert guidance from your peers and leaders, as well as through contributors on our team who have been wealth managers or served as a trusted advisor to them, we have adapted our process to collaboratively and effectively serve the clients we share with you.


With the trust of your client, you are in a unique position to bring outside resources to bear that can help them diversify out of their biggest concentrated position. Here are some resources from Woodbridge that could help you and your business owner client better understand the M&A process and Woodbridge’s distinctive approach:

Business Development Team

Larry Reinharz
Larry Reinharz
Senior Managing Director,
New Business
Neil Dennis
Neil Dennis
Managing Director,
New Business

Talk to an Expert and FREE E-Book Download

Only companies with annual revenues of $5 Million to $150 Million+, please. Call Don Krier, Sr. Managing Director/Partner 800.567.1119 or complete the form below. Also receive a free copy of 30 Years of Lessons Learned: Selling Middle-Market Businesses.